It really was a night to remember.
Remembrance weekend in November 2018 was somewhat special this year being the Centenary year and gave Harrogate Theatre Choir the opportunity to do something slightly different for one of our late year shows.
Our concert “YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS” was dedicated to all those who fought in the First World War and was our first joint venture with Collavoce Choir and Eurythmia Ensemble, two other talented local choirs.
The evening was highly emotional as you might expect with film projections, poetry, readings and an art installation where simple crosses were displayed, all bearing the names of a fallen soldier or civilian from the First World War.
Our main salute to the evening was a performance of “The Armed Man” by Karl Jenkins, which was a huge success.
We might normally have been concerned about an audience in tears but, on this occasion, it just proved how emotionally charged the evening was.
A huge thank you to our audience in helping raise a very strong sum for the British Red Cross.