Full Music Folder List
There are links below to the full lists of music that all singers should have access to (with the exception of solo and small group songs). These are split into two separate lists:
- Purchased Music Scores
- Permitted Photocopies.
Please contact the HTC librarian, Mel Towler, if you need to fill any gaps you may have: email mjtowler29@btinternet.com
Click tracks for all voice parts can be found on the HTC Music One Drive.

Updated: 22 Oct 2024

Purchased Music Scores
If you lose or damage purchased music, then you will need to pay for a replacement.
Download/print a copy of the full list of purchased music scores.

Permitted Photocopies
The following music can be printed at home from PDFs found on the HTC Music One Drive
Download/print a copy of the full list of photocopied music.