If you ask any of our members why they joined the choir, most will say it’s because they love to sing! It’s been a real bonus that we’ve been able to continue to make music together these last 10 months. However, many of us have been missing the social side that the choir offers, which has obviously been off limits.
“Who would be up for holding a Murder Mystery on Zoom?” Lisa asked. She explained that the online game was called The Great British Bump Off, set in a virtual Bake Off type tent with 10 people playing the parts of the contestants/murder suspects. Well, if you enjoy singing, it often follows that you enjoy a bit of acting and dressing up! So the 10 places were taken up very quickly!
So one Saturday evening, with refreshments sorted, props arranged, we gathered (virtually of course) to learn that a murder had taken place…..
So was it the yummy mummy Cherry Cake who bumped off Shaw G Bottom, or could it have been the rather brittle Brandy Snap? Then again, could you really trust that rather polite and traditional gentleman, Whitey Bloomer?
Obviously that little secret is going to remain in the Bump Off tent!
Needless to say, it was a fun evening with lots of laughs. It was clear that everyone enjoyed catching up with friends and actually DOING something together. Roll on the next one!

“It was really lovely to see everyone. So nice to do something a little different too.” JH
“A really great evening, thanks to you all.” SH
“Great fun, I knew you were all a shifty lot!” JC
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